
July 5, 2006

We went to the discount store yesterday to buy a French press and spotted a stainless steel, stove-top percolator. It looks like, and sort of is, a piece of camping equipment. Boy Scouts would use it, if they took coffee breaks. It seemed American, as opposed to the Frenchy-ness of the French press. Also, a goomba passing in the aisle said, “Best way to make coffee…if you like it good and strong.”

I drank three cups of percolated coffee this morning and feel like I am going to explode with happiness and nerves. I feel as if I will disco to the subway train. The guy is right. The coffee is strong, and it is good.

Now try Googling “percolated coffee”. The internet thinks I’m doing it wrong, that I should have gone for the French press. Even the Wikipedia entry sniffs that percolated coffee is out of fashion. It’s weird; now I feel like I’ve been outrageously rebellious buying this percolator. After all, everyone who knows anything about coffee knows that this is an inferior method. And caring about your coffee is one of those markers, you know, of intelligence and sophistication. I bet if you mapped out the percolator households and the French press households, they would perfectly correlate with a map of blue states and red states. French presses are for liberals, percolators are for heathens.

But for how long? I predict within 18 months, percolators will become huge. Hipsters, tired of their espresso-brewed triple Americanos, will develop an ironic appreciation for percolated coffee. A percolator will be featured in some sort of spread in Vice, and a few months later we’ll see a percolator on the front page of Sunday Styles. And then William-Sonoma will come out with a $429 retro stovetop percolator, and I’ll sell my vintage model on eBay and use the proceeds to buy myself a shiny new espresso maker.

62 Responses to “Percolator”

  1. Peter Says:

    Actually, for even better coffee, and even more esoteric and rebellious, get a vacuum coffeepot. I was a percolator believer until I tried one. No paper filters, and with a small upgrade, the coffee never touches anything except glass. (Yeah, a coffee maker that you can UPGRADE and customize…THAT is true coffee geekdom.) Check it out:

    For more info, including history and tips, see

  2. Shawn Medero Says:

    Italian Moka pots _are_ treasured amongst the coffee community. I quite enjoy the crema I get from the Moka pot and I find I can tweak the style of coffee I make better with the Moka pot than with my french press. I’ve moved soley to Moka pots and french presses… I parted with machines ages ago and won’t look back.

  3. Phil Says:

    I am a fan. My father turned me on to the percolator as a means to make ridiculously strong coffee, and most days that’s exactly what I need.

  4. Jimbo Says:

    10 bucks says you don’t have a percolator, you have a stove top Italian Moka Pot. These make great coffee and they’ve been in rundown apartments in san francisco and new york for years. They’ve never been out of style.

    True percolators make terrible coffee since they repeatedly pull the water through the grounds. Moka pots suck the water through the grounds once.

    I bet if you find people still using percolators, the most common denominator connecting them won’t be their political affiliation, it will be their age.

  5. asdf asdff Says:


  6. cyber_rigger Says:

    Try cowboy coffee.

    Put coffee grounds and (good) water in a regular old cooking pot.

    Bring this to a boil.
    Take it off the fire and thown in some egg shell to settle the grounds.

    Let the grounds settle out.

    You might have to experiment with the coarsness of grind.

  7. nollkoll Says:

    jimbo is right. it’s most likely a moka not perculator. and its italian as pizza :o) all italian homes have 1 most likely 2 or 3 of different size. best coffe ever.

  8. brendal Says:

    I read an article some years ago about French press coffee makers. Seems that a chemical reaction occurs in coffee that is percolated that does not happen when hot water is merely put in grouond coffee, as in the French press method. I can’t remember the effect on the body, possibley it affects the heart. Sorry for being vague. You can GOOGLE it.

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Actually, percolated coffee shouldn’t be deemed as out of date. I come from an hispanic family, and percolated coffee is the ONLY way to truly enjoy a good cup of tinto (otherwise known as STRONG Cuban coffee).

  10. disfunct Says:

    Some of the best coffee I ever had was made using a french press. It was delicious and had me comepletely wired.

  11. Mike Says:

    On the subject of that Bodum “vacuum coffee pot”…I had one for a few years until the bottom decided to fall out of it one day. Until then it made fantastic coffee. But, for forty bucks, it surely did not last long enough. My ten dollar coffee maker still serves me well in the office after many years of use.

  12. analysis Says:

    “True percolators make terrible coffee since they repeatedly pull the water through the grounds.”

    I’m rather tired of that old cliché. I use a Farberware perculator from decades ago and it serves up excellent coffee every time. Tried drip and got rid of it. Tried the French press and wasn’t impressed. Good perculator will do it every time.

  13. Sue Kadet Says:

    My Nana Anderson lived on perculated unfiletered coffee
    and bread till she was 95! Guess it didn’t harm her heart……..

  14. Ken Deifik Says:

    A girlfriend showed me how to use a stainless steel stovetop percolator in the early 70’s when they had already gone completely out of fashion. A truly intoxicating coffee smell filled her entire house during the perc, and lingered for quite a while afterward.

    I was French pressing at the time, but her coffee was so superior that, though it took me 20 years of searching to find a stovetopper of my own, I kept looking through all those years.

    She warned me not to use an electrict percolator, nor an aluminum stove topper, as they both make foul tasting brew.

    Her family had 7 percolators, a two-cup up to a fouteen-cup. The reason for perc-ing just as much as you need is that the basket that holds the coffee has to have a certain depth.

    Her method, which I use to this day: boil the water, then turn it down to 2, drop the basket, stem and basket cover into the water and place the top on securely. The burner should be at the VERY lowest setting it can be at to where you still hear the gentle sound of the water emerging from the stem.

    Exactly ten minutes later – magic.

    My uncle’s father in law, an old Frenchman who loved his food as only such a person can, smiled at me ironically and addressed me as an idiot when I told him about my girlfriend’s coffee. “Really, you like you coffee — boiled?” I had no interest in explaining that I knew the terrible taste of boiled coffee, and that properly percolated coffee was not boiled, but this old fart was too insuffereable to get into discussions with. Through the years, coffee fans have often smirked when I tell them how I prepare my brew, but those who have tried it order a percolator off the internet while still at my house.

    I have not read any other pages in your blog, I found this one through Reddit, so I don’t know if you’ve tried roasting your own coffee yet, but I highly recommend that as a next step after learning the magic of percolating.

    • Krissy Says:

      This is a little late…
      I just bought a Corningware “le cafe” coffee percolator at Goodwill for $2.50. It makes the best coffee ever! And you’re absolutely correct: there is a science to making great percolated coffee. You don’t just boil the hell out of it until it dies. You must coax it into making good brew. I love it.
      P.s. The French Press really is horrible. I’ve never had a good cup out of one. I have no idea why people like it.

  15. rap Says:

    “True percolators make terrible coffee since they repeatedly pull the water through the grounds.” Entirely true.

    Not a cliché. Coffee should not be boiled. The water yes, but not the mixture as percolator do. Most of the aroma is then evaporated. Use en french press (bodum style) or italian moka pot.

  16. timethief Says:

    I’m with jimbo = I think it’s probably a Italian moka pot too. It’s my experience that true percolators like my grandparents used make gawd awful coffee. I would also add what some others have implied – good water makes a difference, a really big difference. That crud steeped in chlorine and fluoride flowing from household taps is not good water – phoeey :P….

  17. A reader passing by Says:

    What you are describing is *not* a percolator. It’s more usually called an “italian coffee maker” or a “stove top espresso maker”. A percolator will pass the liquid through the coffee multiple times while overheating the coffee. It’s actually one of the worse way to make coffee.

    As for “becoming all the rage”, those have been around for a long time. And one does get tired of that kind of coffee: you’ll notice that over time the coffee you make with it will being to take a strange, bitter taste. It will take more time for your maker to get spoiled if you’re using a stainless steel one, but more common (and cheaper) are aluminium ones, which really add an unpleasant taste to the coffee with use.

  18. Greg Says:

    This is terribly ironic given an artist that I have just been introduced to. You should go to and listen to his song Eleven Saints. Coffee percolators are the running theme in the song…

    And, though I’m only seventeen, my hopelessly coffee-addicted father used a percolator for his coffee for the first eight years of my life, so I’m familar with percolators and the quality of their coffee. We still have one in the kitchen, but don’t use it. It is alluminum and leaves a mettalic taste in the coffee. It’s kinda nasty really…

  19. debbielynn Says:

    I truly am a low life. I’ll drink anything from instant to stuff that I’ve made with grounds in it because I ran out of filters and had to use a paper towel (or a sock?!). Now that’s a coffeeholic. Could probably just have an iv hooked up in the morning and that would suffice – just get me my caffeine any way you can.

    So “perked” to me is high class.

  20. debbielynn Says:

    oh, and I’m new here. Liking this place. Will be back!

  21. foobaz Says:

    Ignoring your ethnic slur about the “goomba” guy, I agree with the people who guess you are ignorantly referring to an Italian “mocha” machine (macchina mocha espresso). The reason the, uh, “goomba” guy liked that method of extraction is because the water is forced very rapidly through the grounds once and only once. This minimizes extraction of the bitter oils present in coffee beans and, at the same time, extracts loads of the flavorful oils that make good coffee taste good. The rapid extraction retains much of these flavorful oils without evaporating them into the air. This is in no way the equal of a real espresso machine costing thousands of dollars but it is a cheap way of making reasonably good coffe at home. THE classic percolator, popular up to the 70s, is made almost entirely of glass. You can see the coffee spurting up through the narrow stem hitting the hollow handle of the glass cover above and dripping down into the glass basket of coffee grounds back down into the, uh, coffee, only to be recirculated yet another time. The smell is intoxicating but the taste is horrendous. The reason for both these phenomena is that all the essential oils that make good coffee so good are being dispersed into the air and never make it into the coffee which is being reduced to a sludge-like consistency and to which are constantly being added the bitter esthers of what’s left of the coffee beans. To add insult to injury, before Americans began travelling to Europe en masse in the 60s, they were brainwashed into thinking that the absolute dregs of the coffee planations’ production, aka Maxwell House, was actually good coffee. It wasn’t and the hostile treatment it was given by the percolator produced horrible bitter coffee. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an aluminum percolator. The acidity of coffee would react with aluminum and make quite a toxic brew I suspect. Stainless steel is more likely.

  22. kyotoca Says:

    But the thing is, Google won’t always show the same results like all the time, so it would’ve helped me if you said what you saw.

  23. range Says:

    I’m a tea person, though I do enjoy coffee. I find that coffee is a bit harsh on the stomack

  24. jenn Says:

    In Puerto Rico the “stove top Italian Moka Pot” are The Way of coffe making. We have at least one in every house and you can buy it in any other shop, including pharmacies. The coffe made with it, it’s strong and very tasteful.

  25. Great discussion. The wonderful thing about coffee is that it can be enjoyed on so many different levels. With so many different types of brewing methods and beans available to choose from, coffee offers something for every different type of coffee aficionado.

    Irregardless of brewing method, I am a firm believer of the “garbage in, garbage out” theory. AKA, if you start with bad beans, irregardless of the type of brewing method, your results will be sub-par at best.

    That being said, I like the different consistencies that different brewing methods can give. Espresso, French Press, Automatic Drip, Moka, Percolator etc. all product subtly different types/tastes/consistencies that give coffee a fantastic range of enjoyment.

    Just my two cents. Ciao.

  26. Perc Fan Says:


    A lot of hate for the percolator fans…. Not just here but all over the web.

    I have an electric Farberware, and I love it. Good strong coffee…

    I also have a Bodum press pot that also makes good strong coffee – slightly better than the percolater, but it needs more attention, so I only use it occasionally.

    Quality beans and grind make the difference. I have a nice little Cuisinart burr grinder that does a decent job of making a course grind.

  27. Bremda Says:

    I bought an old corningware stove top coffee percolator today. Tried it out. Havent had perked coffee for years. Not bad at all. I have been using a Senseo single cup that uses pods which we love. But Folgers discontinued their pods, something about not enough sales. Well I am going to give this percolator some time. Sor far its not bad. Pleasant change. We got very tired of our trip machine.

  28. […] -The percolator is still active, and is still very much a percolator, not an Italian Moka Monster, or whatever it is that the comment bulllies kept insisting on. And yes, the perc coffee is deliciously strong: I reorganized the closets and the medicine cabinet. […]

  29. Barista Beaner Says:

    A Starbuckian for several years, I have seen all manner of coffee and coffee maker…. that having been said, and Italian Moka Pot is NOT a stovetop percolator.

    My husband and I read your commentary with relish (and a few good laughs). We came across your site after having Googled for old-fashioned stovetop percolators. Fresh from a week-long trip “roughing it”, we had the priviledge of using great-grandma’s old cottage (complete with pots, pans and a percolator). As soon as I opened the kitchen cabinet, my heart exploded with memories of camping with my dad and his perking coffee on the fire. Of course, in those days, I never partook of the caffiene. But I sure loved the smell as it wafted throughout the outer reaches of the campsite.

    Having that recollection, I subjected my husband to a morning brew… and we both enjoyed it. Is it the flavor of $50/pound Blue Mountain? Of course not. Did it do the trick for these two dark roast aficiandos? You betcha.

    So, the old 5-22 cup capacity stovetop percolator accompanied us on the rest of our trip… lovingly sitting among the glowing embers of a morning fire to perk searing hot beverage for us on a cool day by the lakeside.

    Afterwards, a quick stop back at the cottage some Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and some elbow grease, the pot was placed back in its place at great-grandma’s cottage.

    The next day? Here I am, commenting on the joys that accompanied a pot of percolated coffee, and the inspiration it has given us to claim one for our own.

  30. Winston Smith Says:

    I use an electric percolator that I happened upon by chance (a wedding gift to my non-coffee making sister that I co-opted.) It makes large amounts of coffee very quickly that tastes very good, but isn’t strong enough for my taste. I’m thinking about getting a stove top model. In the mean time, I’ve taken to dumping a couple of shots of espresso into my coffee for added strength.

    I miss Italy.

  31. coffee stud Says:

    Try brewing with extracted coffee syrup.

    Basically you take a large can of coffee grounds and distill it down to a syrup with a special filter thing. When the distilled product is finished you just keep it refrigerated. Anytime you want a cup of joe boil some water and add your favorite amount of coffee syrup.

  32. Yo Mama Says:

    This is gay, I thought this was about chem. reactions and I find out its with bull… I got a test tmw and dis s isn’t helpin..

  33. ooga Says:

    great comments, on the perc coffee!! I have been searching all over to find out how course is course for perc beans? any suggestions would would be wonderful!! I am getting out the electric pot and then search for stovepot!!! and whoever thought Perc was for the “older” generation is Wayyyy off base!!

  34. JonK Says:

    I agree with the stove-top pot lovers. First came across these in Switzerland of all places, 20 years ago. Made great coffee, which tasted even better with the dash of scotch! Keep brewin!

  35. mike Says:

    Coffee came from the middle East, and the traditional method of brewing in a Turkish ibrik was to boil the mixture of grounds and water three times! When in doubt, look to history for you answers, not to self-appointed experts who just regurgitate what they have read elsewhere. So, yes, percolated coffee is a great option and a nice change from the norm. If you like the way it tastes (as I do) then it tastes good, no?

  36. Andy Says:

    hi – i really enjoyed your article: Percolator
    July 5th, 2006

    I am doing some research and have a very simple question. not sure if you’re the expert, but maybe you do know the answers.

    I love percolator coffee too; and i think i’ve been drinking it from an aluminum maker. I think it was great!!! but maybe i’m wrong. maybe it was stainless steel and not aluminum?

    Question: If they all look like this:

    are they aluminum?
    or could this style come in stainless steel?

    2) .. and if i was to switch to stainless steel can you recommend a certain manufacturer?

    how about this one?

    3) If everyone who commented on your blog liked the Moka Pot – what is the real difference between a stainless steel Stovetop Espresso Maker and an italian Moka Pot?

    i thank you very much in advance for your reply.


  37. LB Says:

    Like “mike” said, coffee has been around a long time and was NOT invented in Seattle at corner Starbucks. It’s not necessary to spend a fortune on designer coffee and revolutionary machines to have a great cup of coffee. Jeez, it’s coffee, people. Not caviar or champagne.

  38. Betsy Says:

    the best cup of jo i have ever had was from my grandmother’s old fashioned stovetop percolator. it truly is a flavorful, hot cup of coffee, with a rich, robust flavor (she uses chock full o’nuts coffee too)!

    i love starbucks too, but nothing beats grandma’s percolator coffee…yummm!

  39. I personally love retro anything including retro fashion. Thanks for the post.

  40. Kyle Says:

    Quite simply the percolator creates the best cup of coffee possible. Robust flavor can be extracted because of the high heat (admittedly a bit too high) because you can control amount of water exposed to the grounds. You get all the flavor without the bitterness. With drip units the only way to accomplish this is by adding hot water after the brewing process.

  41. Karen Says:

    I have been using a stovetop perculator for many, many years. No, it is not a Moka but rather true stovetop and quite frankly THE best cup of coffee ever! I could open a drive-thru at my window because the aroma travels throughout or apt complex and people still knock on my door for a cup. It is truly the best tasting coffee ever!!!

  42. Raul Vasbutin Says:

    In the entire realm of smoking tobacco users there are a minority who only smoke fine cigars or pipes, and the rest of the world that smokes cigarettes. The same is true for coffee drinkers in that there are connoisseurs but most likely fewer in number than the rest of us that just want hot, caffeinated, and aromatic bitter drinks to keep us going. In this regard, percolators make the best damn coffee ever used by the working class of the world. If age is the determining factor, as previously suggested, on who still uses percolators in a world of sophisticated quaffers then I submit that those who ‘did’ of the ‘can do’ generation know what it takes to accomplish the feats that have made dainty coffee possible for those who won’t in the X-generation. My advice? Fill a thermos with percolated coffee, put on your overalls, roll up your sleeves, grab a heavy instrument and get to work on building something with your hands. If you get tired, you have all the go-go juice you will need to see the job done.

  43. Jordan V. Says:

    I like how over the top PC guy calls you ignorant and then proceeds to call the popular Italian coffee maker a “mocha” instead of Moka machine. The former is either a kind of bean typically traded from the city of Mocha or more commonly coffee with chocolate.

    It’s also funny that the classic Moka machine he praises for brewing a pretty good cup is not made of steel but of “toxic” aluminum.

    As for boiling the stuff, as an earlier poster pointed out, that is how Turkish coffee is made. It can’t really damage the coffee which has been roasted in temperatures far above the boiling point of water. Although certain aromatic oils might leave the brew, smell is the greatest component of taste. By that standard, it’s hard to beat a stovetop perc.

  44. replish Says:

    I’m about 1.5 years late in responding to this post. If fact I rarely respond to any posts, but this one touched my heart as would a picture of a kid with a cute puppy.

    Let me start… Percolators are by far the absolute best way to make true coffee. Don’t let the marketing jerks lead you to believe otherwise. I would challenge anyone to do their own taste-test and be their own judge. I sell coffee for a living and all the fancy-smancy brewers too, over $20 million a year in fact, so I do think this makes me somewhat of an expert. I drink coffee all thime and decided today that I would buy one. I did, and as I sat here at my desk drinking my first cup, I came across this post.

    I’m now all a buzz, really. The percolator makes your usual coffe a totally new experience. One cup and I’m thinking I could actually consume less if my coffee cups are going to be this potent and wonderful. Ahhhh! I wish i could wriet more, but I need to go tell my wife how great this is.


  45. replish Says:

    … (sorry for the mispells above, percolated coffee has me soo charged)

    Anyway, i agree with Raul and a few others, seriously, if you want true coffee use the perc. I brought the 4-12 cup Faberware electric percolator. No bells and whistles, just good coffee, that is actaully HOT! The only other place I get that is by using my french press, which is cold by the 2nd cup.

  46. Brian Says:

    Here is a method that seems to work just fine.
    French Pressing allows the coffee to sit in the water for however long you like it to, to extract more flavor from the grinds.
    Messy to clean up, also dust gets through the metal screen.
    However, you can pour the coffee through a paper filter after this process is completed.
    A Percolator is fine for allowing water to continually drip through the grinds, again for however long you like, but it BURNS the coffee.
    Here is a method that I just used today and it works great. You can almost get the best from both worlds.
    I used my Hamilton Beach Cone Drip Coffee Maker. It has an automatic stop when the Carafe is removed as many coffee makers do.
    If you swing out the Basket approx. 1/2 inch, the coffee does not drip through the bottom.
    Important, this coffee maker has one hole up above for the hot water drip into the basket from. If there are multiple holes spread out around the entire circumference of the top, you could have water dripping all over the place. So please make sure that if you swing out the basket on your coffee maker, that the hot water still drips directly into the basket and that the coffee does not drip through the bottom of the basket until you push it back into place.
    So, here is my method.
    Place the desired amount of coffee grinds into the basket and pour the desired amount of water into the reservoir.
    Now, swing out the basket just enough so that you can see into the basket. Turn the coffee maker on…….Watch the water as it fills into the grinds in the basket. When the water in the basket rises to about a half inch below the top of your filter, turn off the coffee maker. Now, let the water sit in the basket for 5 minutes. More or less is up to you.
    I did this with 48 ounces of water and 8 tablespoons of coffee.
    Now push the basket back into place and let the coffee drip into the Carafe. When drained, do this process again. I did this 3 times and then I just allowed the remaining water to drip right in the basket and into the carafe.
    This method allows you to have coffee grinds submerged in the water for however long you like. You don’t have to go through this process for the entire brew either. You can do it for only the first or second basket fills or through the entire process.
    You’ll get more flavor out of the grinds like the french press.
    You can also do this by removing the basket and placing it over the carafe on the counter top. Pour your hot water into the Basket……..Let it sit. Then depress the lever underneath the basket to release the stopper and let the coffee drip into your carafe. Then pour more water into the basket.
    Just like using a Melita portable coffee brewer with the cone basket that sits over a carafe or the smaller one that fits over a cup. Just find a way to keep the hole at the bottom closed until you decide to allow the coffee to drip out.
    NO dirty coffee grinds to clean out of the bottom of the French Press’ screen and bottom of the Glass.
    Give it a try. You have nothing to lose. Just improvise a little and you can do a lot of amazing things that are so simple.

  47. Miukat Says:

    People take this coffee thing way too seriously. Aesthetically speaking, most drip pots are ugly. They are also large and cumbersome. I just won a pyrex stovetop percolator and I’m excited to use it. I’m not a huge fan of coffee, but I drink it from time to time. I only have a pot because my MIL is from the Caribbean and drinks her coffee strrrrong. I don’t mind babysitting, experimenting and tweaking, and I suspect that is why many people dislike the perc. pot. I think it takes skill to get it how you like it. Once you master your preference, it’s almost impossible to anticipate and master everyone elses. I can buy the fact that boiling is a harsh method that may destroy some nuances of the coffee, however, I don’t see how running coffee over coffee will do something different to the grinds than running water over coffee. Does the brewed coffee have some kind of cannibalistic property which destroys the the flavor left in the grounds? I’m a pastry chef and have experimented with food all my life. I just don’t buy every explanation about why percolating coffee is the 8th deadliest sin. Besides, I put so much sugar and milk in my coffee, I can hardly identify what I started with anyway. Let everyone enjoy their coffee the way they like it! Lastly, when people ask a practical question about percolating, please spare them the lecture! They already know they want to percolate, so step off your soapbox, and let someone helpful reply.

  48. Moira Says:

    I have been hunting for a perculator ever since I had some perculated coffee at a baby shower from one of those ugly urns. Why can’t Mr Coffee make an urn that is nice to look at and holds 20 cups of coffee. I never have enough coffee out of my 12 cup drip maker for everyone to have a second cup in the morning. Someone needs to make an urn that holds just 20 cups of coffee.

  49. Rita Says:

    After hearing in the news lately about the possible links of cancer from ingesting foods having contact with certain plastics, it dawned on me that my drip coffee maker has plastic components making contact with the hot water and coffee which I use daily. I searched fruitlessly for an all metal drip coffee maker. Apparently, it doesn’t exist. But while searching the stores, there all by itself on the top shelf looking rather dusty was a percolator made completely of stainless steel. I asked my mother about percolated coffee and she said that’s all they used to make which was delicious. She then proceeded to give me her corningware percolator to try out. After reading everyone’s comments, I am ready to try it in the morning. It may not just become trendy, concerned people may go back to percolators to avoid the pastics.

  50. eve Says:

    I am a coffeeholic.
    I drink it every which way but tepid.
    I just purchased a farberware stove top perculator for hurricane season…. i will never be without my morning coffee again.

    i come from old school where my folks drank from a perculator, and a couple of them still do..
    it is by far the best coffee made.
    and i’ve had a moka pot.
    i’ve had the aluminum cuban pot.
    i’ve had mr. coffee.
    i’ve had a french press.
    i’ve had a melika drip.

    i’ve had them all, and i am proud to say that i am a perked girl!

    ^5 perculators!

  51. Justin Says:

    I came across this post while looking for a replacement for the glass top to my perco. I am the ultimate yuppie/hipster stereotype…late 20’s, freelance designer, etc. I even live in Coffeetown USA, Seattle. I donated my electric coffee maker to charity. I have a 35 year old all aluminum percolator that I pilfered from my in-law’s pantry. I love it. The brew that comes out of it can only be described as “round”. If everyone drank home brewed percolated coffee the world would be a better place.

  52. Jason Says:

    All I know is this… Most espresso I have tasted is just plain bitter and unpleasant. Drip coffee makers usually make coffee that tastes like dirt or cardboard. French presses make great coffee, but are a pain to clean. And then there are percolators. Ah yes. I got one at a thrift store for 2 bucks. Probably older than I am. This thing makes a nice strong, but not bitter, flavorful cup of coffee. I think the misconception about percs comes from the campfire models and people using them to make mega strong coffee for bitter cold mornings. That stuff doesn’t taste so good but it does get you going. A good electric or stovetop model requires a little skill to use properly, but will produce a very VERY good cup of coffee regardless of whether or not it violates the “brewing rules” laid down by the gourmet community. You know that great smell of the coffee grounds when you first pop open the can or grind the beans? That’s what my coffee TASTES like too…and I only use a percolator.

  53. Matt Says:

    Forget the stove-top percolators. Get an electric pecolator. They keep the coffee a constant and precise temperature.

  54. tvnewsbadge Says:

    Suspect those that bash the percolator don’t really know how to use one.
    It’s actually a fine coffee making machine.

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  56. I used the original plastic top for the first use, and it didn’t seem to get too hot at all. Some mentioned the top melting in other reviews. Once the pot reaches a boil turn the heat down to medium, since it will still percolate there’s no reason to boil on a red hot “high” burner (which may have caused the melting they mentioned).
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